Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Vital Information when Buying a Computer

Buying a new computer is not something to do in a hurry. Yes, you want to secure the purchase and get your equipment home, you can’t wait to try it out, see what it can do and add your own adjustments to it. But patience is required. It is essential that you get the best equipment at the best price. Making sure you have the right software, the correct hardware and the necessary accessories is an important task.

There are many elements to consider when looking at buying a new PC. The plethora of options that are available can be quite mind numbing. Hopefully, a few pointers in the right direction can provide assistance.

First, you must consider which is the right machine for you. Are you looking for a laptop for accessibility options, a standard desktop which will normally be that more potent. Do you have a budget; if not then work one out. This is a key factor in any purchase. Then look at what you want with the PC. The programs, the applications, and the size of the hard drive. These are all important factors.

We all want value for money, but it is only value if you are going to utilise.

With technological advances nearly every computer will be capable of the basic necessities. Internet connections, e-mail, word packages etc. This is all standard stock. However with the age of digital technology in over drive the likes of picture, music and film downloads can mean you need that little bit more.

So shop around see what is on offer.

A large memory is always a wise option to retain. If you wish to build onto your computer or are a follower of new gadgets, a large memory will give you accessibility and longevity.

Which processor do you require? This is more or less a power option. DO some research see which one fits your needs.

What kind of monitor are you happy with? This is normally just a size option, but do not think bigger is necessarily better. A smallish compact screen can be a much smarter option if you are restricted by space.

The hard drive is a pivotal tool when using your computer. The larger the better performance.

Now most computers come with a limited warranty. Unless you are particularly cautious the extended versions are not necessary and are normally very expensive.

These details should help make an informed decision when first considerations are made in regards of purchasing a computer.

Friday, June 5, 2009


What on earth is poly 50 ?

Basically poly 50 is an annual event at SP . It is a relay running event for several kilometers that consist of 50 laps .

Each time consists of 10 members . There must be at least 3 girls in the team .

Anyone who participate in this event will receive some CCA points . Last year , my class joined this event and guess what ? ... guess ...... . .. . . I said guess . .. .. guess again .....

Ok , I'll tell ya .. .. We participated last year and we've been disqualified on the 39th lap due to a procedure that we have broken .. I'm not gonna tell ya ... .

Our group name for last year was "National Runners " ... We are going to participate for this event again next month .. to be exact , on 29th July 2009 . ..

But , we have some problems here ...

We are planning to make 2 teams for our class . Each team must consists of 5 girls and 5 boys ..

The problem is ... we are lack of girls . . Now , we need about 6 more SP girls .

If you are a female SP student ... here are the requirements :
  • pretty (haha .. not necessary)
  • can run 2.4 km without feeling tired

Do leave your email in this post as comment .. .I won't publish your comments as I respect your privacy . ...

Oh .. one more thing .. This is just for fun .. .So , do join our team girls ..