Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year 20111

Alright let's get started!

First of all, let's reflect what are the things that I have achieved according to my plan resolution las year(2010).

What I can remember is that I managed to achieve 2 things. (Actually I don't remember what I have wrote) But I am pretty sure that the 2 things below was in the list:
2. certain amount of income

Thank you Allah for fulfilling part of my dream. SPINNOVEX is a umm all student dream. Its an annual event for outstanding Final Year Project.

Then for the second a bit senstive..Its a secret man! I thank Allah for that too :)

so for this year 2011, I have a prepared a few things that I want to achieve as well.. want to know? bleh :p

2011 resolution/plan/whatever they call it(I don't care):
1. I want to try to reach $X000/month income by the end of December
2. I want to convert my java application to a web java applet or Facebook application.
3. I want to get a GPA of 4.0 this semester
4. I want to decide my citizenship my March
5. I want to self learn PHP programming language
6. I want to try the "build your electric generator" guide book
7. I want to have at least 3 good websites
8. I want to understand and know someone
9. I want to work for a few more months before taking my degree
10. I want to build several applications(JAVA/iPhone/iPad/Android) altough I am not so good at programming
16. I want to register a company (this one talk talk only)
17. got a few more list that are ment to be private

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